Extender with HDMI Connector
IOGEAR's GVE320 powered HD Audio / Video Extender gives you the distance between the 1080p HDMI media source and the HD display unit by up to 130 feet with 3D support. It consists of a local sending unit and remote receiving unit connected by two standard solid Category 5e/6 twisted pair solid Ethernet cables. Additionally, you can extend up to 200 feet* at 1080i resolution.
The GVE320 HD Audio / Video Extender System is ideal for home installation, retrofitting, retail environments, show rooms and large worship centers where remote displays are required. The HD Extender System is also useful for control and security purposes, where you can have the system unit in a secure area at the same time that you put the display in an area that is convenient for viewing.
*Note: Extension range may vary with different devices and Cat 5e/6 cables